by thetendingyear | Apr 30, 2018 | Mental Health, Mindfulness, Personal Development, Values
Every year during April I get the telltale symptoms of seasonal allergies, and every year I get nervous that I’m actually getting the flu. You’d think I would know this by now, but here’s a scene from two Saturdays ago that proves otherwise: I worry that my allergies...
by thetendingyear | Apr 23, 2018 | Chronic Pain, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Personal Development
I spend a lot of time in my head: reading, writing, revising, and thinking. Case in point: last weekend I woke my Sweetheart up at 4 a.m. by mumbling “Hmmm…Mhmm…” in my sleep because I had been working on my dissertation in my dream. If you’ve been reading since...
by thetendingyear | Apr 2, 2018 | Mental Health, Mindfulness, Personal Development, Productivity, Time Management
Last week I focused my attention on focus itself. I was interested in figuring out how and why I allocated my time and energy in the ways that I did. I also wanted to see what was causing me to lose focus, and to see if I could identify any tools that might help me...
by thetendingyear | Mar 19, 2018 | Addiction & Recovery, Mental Health, Values
Last week was a really special week for me, because I celebrated my FIVE YEAR SOBERVERSARY on Saturday, March 17! It was also my anniversary weekend with my Sweetie, so we spent a few days up in Montreal in an Air BnB with an exquisitely large bathtub, had a fancy...
by thetendingyear | Feb 20, 2018 | Habit formation, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Personal Development
The postcard in this image is from Corina Dross’s “portable fortitude” deck. This month I’m focusing on Changing the Stories We Tell Ourselves, and this week I delve into the rich topic of self-sabotage. I spent a week learning about self-sabotage and practicing...
by thetendingyear | Feb 13, 2018 | Mental Health, Mindfulness
The postcard in the photo above is from the Etsy shop lovestruckprints. Last week I introduced a theme for February’s posts: Changing the Stories We Tell Ourselves. I’ve spent a lifetime gripping tightly to self limiting stories because I knew how they felt and they...